Aunt Lydia vs. Gilead | The Handmaid’s Tale S4 | BuzzChomp

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Aunt Lydia vs. Gilead will go down in The Handmaid’s Tale, possibly in S4, but definitely by the end of the series. That’s right is Aunt Lydia a spy for mayday and is she really helping to take down Gilead? I think this is the path for her and something that they will explore on The Handmaid’s Tale.


The Handmaid’s Tale S4 definitely changed the scope of the show with June’s escape. Now it’s about Aunt Lydia vs. Gilead. That’s right, even though we’ve explored if Aunt Lydia is good or bad inevitably I believe she will help bring down Gilead! Check out our full video for the full theory!

If you’ve read Margaret Atwood’s follow up to The Handmaid’s Tale “The Testaments” and it dives into the idea that Aunt Lydia was a part of mayday and got sensitive material out of Gilead and into the hands of people in Canada. While of course I know that the writers behind the TV show The Handmaid’s Tale are not necessarily following “Testaments” I think there is a nod to the book and making Aunt Lydia a major part of the resistance already has its foundation in the show.

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There are 5 moments I note in my video that already set the stage for Aunt Lydia’s betrayal of Gilead. A big one which I noted before in regards to her evolution of her character is her season 3 DC experience. June and Aunt Lydia go to DC along with the Waterfords. There they experience handmaid’s wearing masks to cover their mouths, as well as defiant ones having their mouths sewn. June and Aunt Lydia bond and June asks Aunt Lydia if she wants the handmaid’s to be silenced and Aunt Lydia says she does not want this. This definitely is a turning point for Aunt Lydia and being of the journey of Aunt Lydia vs Gilead.

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Another big moment that happened in S4 of The Handmaid’s tale is Aunt Lydia and Commander Lawrence working together. Aunt Lydia gives crucial info to Commander Lawrence so he can get back his position in Gilead and then help Aunt Lydia regain her title as head aunt. Aunt Lydia has never divulged sensitive info of the commanders to use in her own favor. Doing this sets her up to realize that her original purpose in Gilead is compromised. She definitely has turned on Gilead whether she’s made that conscious choice or not.

Aunt Lydia Vs. Gilead is inevitable. I definitely think the show will explore this side of Aunt Lydia and show that she does end up being a major player in mayday. Aunt Lydia probably won’t escape Gilead and it might be a situation where they only find out post Gilead that Aunt Lydia had a hand in taking it down. But I do think this is Aunt Lydia’s path!

The Handmaid’s Tale S4 chugs along and gives us more reason to believe that it is Aunt Lydia vs Gilead. The show will definitely take this path! Share with me any details you think I missed in my theory!


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Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Writer, and Co-Owner of BuzzChomp. She’s an acclaimed Actor, Director and Producer. Visit M Square Productions for her film work, or get lost in her comedy on Pillow Talk TV. You can follow her on TikTok, X and Instagram.

Photo Credit to Hulu

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