Willow Episode 1 & 2 | Adventure of Old

Willow Episode 1 is an adventure of old. It’s very much similar to the movie. I really am not sure if I like it yet. The tone is a bit funny, as is the acting, and the new story lines.


 Willow Episode 1 is an adventure of old. It’s all about getting the new band back together, which so many of these reboots do for their first episode. It’s fine. There are a lot of people trashing it so much. I don’t think it’s trash. Just too much going on.


Watch My Reaction To: Willow Episode 1 Adventure Of Old

Once again Elora Denan is in hiding, but the Gales return looking for her and kidnap Arik. The story takes you exactly where you think it will with Muffin Girl aka Dove, Arik’s love interest, revealed as Elora Denana.

Willow Episode 1 is just an adventure of old. I can’t 100% tell whether this show knows it’s bad or not? Share with your thoughts? Check out Ep1 review.

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Watch My Reaction To: Willow Episode 2 | Powers Reborn

Willow Episode 2 Powers Reborn and of course it happens exactly how you think. This episode drives the story a bit forward, but also shows us a lot of backstory to catch us up to this time period. It’s doing so very basically.

Willow needs to bond with Elora and teach her magic. That’s a lot of this episode, seeing that, what happened in the past, and the group leaving Willow’s people. Of course at the end Muffin Girl’s powers are revealed, but then the Gales get her.

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Willow Episode 2 powers reborn. This show is just giving me so/so vibes. Share with your thoughts? Check out Ep2 review.



Meet Our Host:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Writer, and Co-Owner of BuzzChomp. She’s an acclaimed Actor, Director and Producer. Visit M Square Productions for her film work, or get lost in her comedy on Pillow Talk TV. You can follow her on TikTok, X and Instagram.

Willow Episode 1 & 2 Photo Credits to Disney +



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