
Struggling to Stay Fit at Home? Four Ways to Get Moving Fast

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Exercise is one the best ways to relax and cope with the dramatic change thrust upon us. But if you’re struggling to stay fit at home, you’re not alone. We have four ways to get moving fast.


With virtually every aspect of American society undergoing dramatic change, it’s no wonder you might feel more than a little out-of-sorts. Your daily routine has likely been disrupted, so its a great idea to keep things simple. Whether you’re continuing to work from home or you suddenly have a lot of time on your hands, it’s understandable that you might feel antsy with no real outlet. And if you’re accustomed to regular exercise, that can be a real shock to the system. Good thing we can all stay fit at home by focusing on the basics.

More BuzzChomp: We help you start Building a Home Gym

You don’t have to give up working out simply because you’re staying home. If you’re determined to flatten the curve but also want to flatten your tummy at the same time, you’re certainly not alone. Is there a way to fit in your fitness when you are confused how to begin? Here’s how you can get moving fast while you’re social distancing at home.


Fit at Home Checklist


Focus on the Basics

You don’t need to attend an online fitness class or build a home gym full of equipment to work up a great sweat. There are plenty of cardio exercises and approachable workouts, such as yoga at home, you can do practically anywhere. Jumping jacks, crunches, burpees, high knees, squats, lunges, planks, and push-ups don’t require anything but your own body. Stretches and sun salutations can also be done without special home gym additions. You may just want to get a solid workout mat for comfort. Choose five to 10 of these exercises and do them in rotation, each with a set number of minutes or reps. Devote a half hour or so to this new routine each day to stay active and keep stress away.

Use App, Video, or Online Resources

Many of us are accustomed to relying on an instructor or fitness coach. Thic can leave you feeling a bit lost when it comes to managing your own regimen. You don’t have to do it all on your own, though. There are plenty of free and low-cost apps, subscriptions, video workouts, and other online resources that can guide you. We have a ton right here on BuzzChomp! Even better, many of the companies that create and distribute these tools (including Nike!) have waived fees to provide greater accessibility during this time of hardship.

There are also numerous channels on YouTube and other platforms tailored towards providing free fitness information and video routines. This allows you to work out more effectively by executing moves correctly. But it can also provide you with motivation and a sense of socializing. Working out in complete isolation is overrated.



Order New Equipment

Certain fitness equipment may be a little hard to come by right now, but you can still order certain items for home delivery or curbside pick-up. Just be aware of how much space you have and how much assembly is required. Stores like Walmart, Target, and Amazon likely have what you’re looking for. Processes like reaction injection molding are often used for the creation of equipment, though materials will largely depend on the brand. While the quality may not be what you’ll find from a direct sports equipment retailer, it will fit your budget. Plus, it provides you with a means to work out from home. Do your research and read customer reviews to ensure any equipment you buy is worth your time and money.

Spend Time Outside (Safely)

Making use of Mother Nature can be a good way to fit in some exercise. Go for a walk around your neighborhood, run in the park, or get your bike out for a solitary ride. Fewer people (and fewer cars!) mean its easier to exercise outside. Your backyard is also a great place for exercising, as you’ll be less likely to encounter others. If you go for a hike or a jog, stay at least six feet away from other people and don’t touch shared surfaces. Refrain from touching your face before you arrive back home and can wash your hands. Staying fit at home is more than just inside your house. It also includes your local neighborhood.


Adjusting to this new normal is certainly a challenge, particularly if you feel like you have little control over your own well-being. But staying home doesn’t mean you have to refrain from exercising. With these tips in mind, you can still fit in your fitness while you do your part to slow the spread.


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