
Running through Soreness: Tips and Tricks

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Running is wonderful, but what do you do about the intense soreness? Running through soreness is actually easy, with a few tips and tricks! Don’t let it stop you.


I don’t know about you, but running makes me incredibly sore. On the road to running six days a week, I had to learn about running through soreness and why it was good for me. It wasn’t easy, but now it’s become second nature. Running through soreness is all about self-care. These are my tips and tricks just for you!

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Before we hit the road, I must remind you that I run outside. Running on the treadmill is a bit different, and I did it for years. On days when I felt too sore, I’d just hop on the elliptical as a reprieve. Switching exclusively to running outside made soreness a bigger challenge, especially mentally. A reprieve can be harder to find, hence the below tips for some much needed self care to ensure you keep hitting the road with peak performance.


Running through Soreness


Embrace a walking day. I started doing this after I had my little one and it is the best. My walking day is normally Sundays. We go to the farmer’s market, walk to Whole Foods, and then walk home. It’s basically anywhere from 1 hour and 15 minutes to a 90 minute walk. My body craves it and always welcomes the rest! I always feel amazing after that walk.

Strength training. If you don’t have a gym membership, you can still strength train at home. I purchased a weight set several years ago, like this one, and strength train two or three times a week. Consistently doing it has made me feel so much stronger! Running is amazing, but it’s not the only form of exercise you should do for your body.

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Mix walking with running. On my journey to becoming a consistent six day a week runner, I learned that I needed to walk and run together. This was essential to help my body adjust to running every single day. It’s also a great skill to have. I don’t feel guilty if I need to stop and walk. It’s also a great way to rehab. If you injure yourself and still want to push to run, then you must make adjustments. You don’t have to do your full route, and walking portions is great. The amazing benefits are all still there.



Push your limits. This one takes a bit to build up to, especially if you’re newer to running consistently. It takes a lot out of your body, but like anything else, once you do it often, your body will adjust. There were mornings my legs were so sore that I didn’t want to get out of bed. I did and I went for a light run. It was those days that I pushed my limits and grew immensely.

Change your routes. This took me so long to do and I’m not sure why I fought against it. Now that I have an arsenal of running routes, I have so much variety and different challenge levels to pick from. If I want a short run, I have one. If I want a long run, I have that too. What about different scenery? Yes, you guessed it, I have that too. It takes a bit to find new routes, but if you run in a large neighborhood or city, you definitely can get creative.

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Listen to your body. Learn what your body tells you. There are days when I want to run, but I know that I need to rest. I’ve felt guilty, but learned that this is silly. You need to rest just like you need to push yourself to grow. Sometimes that rest is pushing your body.

Invest in a foam roller. This is essential, and something I’m working on using more often. Having a foam roller is amazing. It works parts of your body that don’t get work normally, and it releases so much tension. It can be painful at first, but like a massage, its a good pain. Your body needs this release and will feel amazing after you do it. They are reasonable to buy and you can get one like the one I have right here.


If you workout a lot, you’re going to be sore. I’m a big advocate of learning what that soreness means and working through it. Remember, you’re soreness is amplified in the morning (due to atrophy) and at night (after a long day of work). Follow our suggestions for running through soreness and you’ll push yourself to new heights!


Meet Our Writer:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Host at BuzzChomp. She’s an Actress, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in her Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.


Running through soreness Photo Credits to Yours Truly

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