
Workouts to Aid Pregnancy and Strengthen Your Body

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Many things are considered common knowledge about pregnancy, but what many don’t know is the toll that it takes on the body. Furthermore, getting pregnant can be a challenge. Rachel Burns offers tips and workouts to aid pregnancy and strengthen your body.

(Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels)


Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for many women. It is often hailed as one of the most fulfilling experiences of their lives, filled with joy and optimism. Yet many women feel quite different about the experience. Ultimately, the end result is what matters. Your beautiful, healthy baby.

But what if you are struggling to get pregnant? Despite months or years of trying the traditional way, something is not working. You have read all the books, asked friends how they did it so quickly, and even ventured online to learn the best time to get pregnant. What are you missing that’s holding you back from this magical time?

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It isn’t a secret; it is simply biology. Diet and exercise play a major role in prepping our bodies for pregnancy. Sometimes the body isn’t ready, but there are ways to help it along. There are workouts to aid pregnancy. Did you know that sperm only grow under specific conditions? The pregnant body is very much the same way. Everything has to align just right and we want to help you get there. Our tips and workouts, plus specific sports equipment to utilize for exercise, will inspire greater fertility and a healthier pregnancy. Let’s go!


Give Nature A Helping Hand


The best way to get pregnant is no longer such a rigid concept. There are a few avenues that many people take beyond the usual methods. Invitro-fertilization is by far the most popular way after sex fails. It is often nerve-wracking and very invasive, but it does work. If you are at your wit’s end, the result is what matters.

However, it doesn’t matter if you use organic sex or science, the body will still change, and you need to prepare for it. Giving your body added strength to handle the cramps and sore muscles before you get pregnant is something many women overlook. Its equally as important to align your body for a successful pregnancy through intercourse.

Some women are incredibly fertile, and you might be curious about how to get pregnant fast the way they did. But you are missing a big part of the equation. Your health has to be a consideration and committing to regular fitness and a healthy diet beforehand is integral.


Weight Management

There is a defined caloric intake when you are pregnant, as you are slowly starting to eat for two. But the foods you eat leading up to pregnancy matter as well. Anything that slows blood flow, anything that lowers virility and stamina, as well as foods that don’t compliment your metabolism, should be cut out. Follow your doctor’s eating guidelines and fight the cravings if you can. Your baby is what you eat.

Nutritional Changes

If you don’t take vitamins, it’s time to start. Things like folic acid and turmeric are great for pregnancy. If you don’t want to take a pill, then folic acid can be found in dark leafy vegetables, citrus, and fortified bread. An adequate calcium intake is also essential, but if you are lactose intolerant then broccoli will work too. Finally, take prenatal vitamins. They will help balance your hormone levels before and after birth.


Exercise Routines

Staying fit is great for two reasons. First, it preps your body for the pain of carrying a growing child. Second, it helps burn excess calories and gives you the energy to grow your baby. This will ensure you don’t have sustained baby weight after giving birth, which often leads to depression. Here are a few exercise routines that work well:

  • Walking, running, or jogging
  • Pilates or yoga
  • Weight training
  • Swimming
  • Spin cycling

Not only are these all great ways to keep your body tight and ready for childbearing, but they are also a great way to get pregnant. This is because couples that exercise excrete pheromones that inspire arousal. In other words, your sex life will get better and your increased fitness will change your body chemistry. That’s a win win.


Consumption Adjustments

Caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine will diminish your chances to get pregnant by a considerable margin. How likely is it to get pregnant when you smoke, drink, or consume coffee in large amounts? Much less than if you don’t. When the body is healthy, it wants to thrive. When it is not, it feels like it is already decaying. Cut the vices.


Your partner is there to help, but they are just as scared as you are. They have no idea what you are thinking, what you need, and how to best help. So talk, don’t yell. Communication is the best way to make this a team effort. Making the baby requires teamwork, so why shouldn’t the whole pregnancy be one too?


With a proper diet, cutting out those things that are designed to kill you, and a good exercise routine, you will be set up for success! Roll it all up in a ball of love between you and your partner, and your chances of getting pregnant and having an easier pregnancy are excellent. Things happen, and that can be devastating, but we must not lose hope. All good things come to those who have the patience to allow them to arrive at their own time. These workouts to aid pregnancy will help. Do you have useful insights for couples trying to have a baby?


Author Bio:

Rachel Burns has been writing on topics related to fitness and healthy eating for two years. As a mother, she really appreciates the ease of raising children with her advice. Rachel specializes in plant-based diets. In addition to nutrition, she is also an exercise enthusiast and health advocate.

Additional Photos by Rene Alsleben and Jonathan Borba from Pexels

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