
Passing limits and Letting go!

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It’s that time again people! Time to reflect on your accomplishments and free yourself from the “constraints” of life! Too often we put life on autopilot and don’t embrace what’s right in front of us. We forget what we’ve done because all our focus is on what’s still to do. Let all that go! Acknowledging your goals and fitness accomplishments is the key to moving forward, letting go, and opening yourself up to a whole new adventure!

It’s time to embrace your successes people! I’ll start you off by sharing one of mine that I’m extra proud of. This past Fourth of July weekend I desperately needed some time with my man and to be outside in the beautiful sunshine. A beach day was in order! We made a plan and cleared or calendars in order to spend time riding around West Los Angeles on our bikes and hitting up the beach, sun, and sand.

Our little plan quickly became one of the best all-day adventures ever! It was simple. We rode down from Brentwood to Santa Monica, met up with a friend, and grabbed a smoothie. We then took a little journey farther north, up the beach boardwalk to the Malibu border, and found a splendid spot to lounge. Over three hours later and definitely tanner, we made our way back onto our bikes and rode south, all the way down to the other end of the beach boardwalk in Venice. We found a fun spot to eat dinner, yummy tapas on Abbott Kinney, and then made the long journey back home to Brentwood. An hour later, just before sunset, we’d made it back up the steep hill to our humble abode. Our legs were sun kissed and fatigued, but wow, what an adventure!

Once I regrouped, I had to find out how much we’d biked. I knew it was a lot, but I felt great, wonderful in fact. We’d spent eight hours biking, lounging, and just taking in the wonderful glow of the California sun. Along with feeling totally rejuvenated, we biked a little over 22 miles. Hot damn! That’s a lot of miles! The best part was I’d dreamed about doing an adventure like that for so long, and now I’ve actually done it! Limit passed. Dream accomplished! And now that I’ve done it, I can’t wait to do it again and again and again!

I’d had this goal in mind for a long time and know that I could’ve accomplished it a long time ago, but I didn’t. I made excuses as to why not to hop on my bike this entire year. But I never lost sight of my goal. To keep ourselves sane we definitely need to let ourselves go! We need to accomplish goals and then relish in our achievements. Stop yourself from thinking there is not enough time and make time people! You may just have one of the greatest adventures of your life!

Get out there and let yourself go!

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