
Halloween Safety Tips for Parents and Their Trick-or-Treaters

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Before you hit the streets for some Trick-or-Treating this Halloween, make sure you’re fully equipped with these Halloween Safety Tips. Parents and kids, don’t leave home without them.


Trick-or-Treaters have a lot to worry about on Halloween. There’s finding the perfect costume, planning the perfect route, and getting all of the candy. Of course, parents of trick-or-treaters have a lot to worry about too (and we’re not just talking about the post-Halloween sugar crash). This year, parents are also reading up on Halloween Safety Tips.

Compared to any other day of the year, children are more than twice as likely to get hit by a car and killed on Halloween, according to Safe Kids Worldwide. And with about one third of America’s major roads being in poor or mediocre condition, parents should be extra cautious around major roads and intersections. As a famous former Hogwarts professor once said, “Constant vigilance!”

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Martha Meade with AAA says that people need to be more aware of their surroundings when kids are out trick-or-treating.

“When kids are out trick-or-treating we’ve got kind of a potentially deadly combination — distracted or drunk drivers and distracted pedestrians,” explained Meade. “It’s just a bad combination. So Halloween’s a great and fun holiday but safety needs to be considered first.”


So what can parents, drivers, and kids themselves to do ensure no one gets hurt this Halloween?

First off, it’s important for anyone outside, both parents and trick-or-treaters, to wear some sort of reflective or glowing gear, like flashlights, glow sticks, and reflective vests. This is especially important if a child’s costume is mostly dark. Adding something bright and reflective to a costume can help drivers see children better.

Furthermore, parents can help their children plan a safe route for trick-or-treating. If kids are going trick-or-treating without their parents, then the kids and parents should sit down together to determine where they can safely go door-to-door. The best places for trick-or-treating are low-traffic, well-lit neighborhoods. Knowing where your child is on Halloween night is extremely important if you can’t go out with them. If possible, send your kids out with a cell phone and a strict return time.

Beware drunk drivers on Halloween

Unfortunately, people drive drunk about 300,000 times every day, with fewer than 4,000 actually being arrested. And because Halloween is a big party holiday, there may be even more drunk drivers on the road. This is why it’s crucial for kids to stay off the road as much as possible. Trick-or-treaters should always use sidewalks when they’re available. And if there isn’t a sidewalk, they should walk on the side of the road, facing traffic, with their reflective gear in front of them. Additionally, they should only cross at safe locations, like the corner of the road or in a crosswalk. Crossing in the middle of the road or between parked cars can be extremely dangerous because drivers may not be able to see the kids.


Halloween is a fun-filled holiday with candy, costumes, and friends. So to keep your trick-or-treaters safe this Halloween, go over these simple Halloween safety tips so they can enjoy this spooky holiday safely.



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