
My No Sugar Food Revolution

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It’s been thirty days since I completed my 30 day No Added Sugar challenge. No, I have not binged on sugar. Nor have I had many foods with added sugar. Gone, see ya later! I’ve been continuing my no sugar food revolution and feeling great.

Over the last thirty days I’ve had a few foods with added sugar in them, but nothing major. There is a Trader Joe’s bread called “Tuscan Panne White Bread” and it is DELICIOUS. It only has one gram of sugar per slice, so I’ve indulged on occasion. I’ve also enjoyed a bowl of Trader Joe’s O’s mixed with some nuts, basically their version of cheerios. Only one gram of sugar per serving and very tasty. Bolthouse Farms yogurt dressing was another great add to my fridge; only two grams of sugar per serving, making it the perfect dressing to drizzle on a salad. Otherwise, the items in my pantry and refrigerator don’t have added sugar, and I don’t want them to.


Every month I get a Conscious Box full of natural brands, food items, teas, etc. Last month it came with a Nature’s Bakery organic fig bar, so naturally I set it aside until after my challenge. It looks like it might be healthy, but is basically a Fig Newton. There are two bars in a package and each bar has 10 grams of sugar. Yep, these bars are tiny and chock full of added sugar. My man and I wanted to try them, but were hesitant because we hadn’t had anything that sweet in forever. We indulged one afternoon and I kid you not, I could feel the sugar coursing through my veins. The bar was good, but the sugar! It really did taste like a Fig Newton and the sugar was overwhelming. It didn’t make me want to go out and buy another cereal bar, eat ice cream, or have any sugar at all. It actually reaffirmed my decision to make my own foods without added sugar, and to continue my awareness of the sugar content of packaged foods.



I’ve continued to make homemade hummus, salsa, and muffins. Recently I even made my own tomato sauce! It was so much easier than I thought. I’d stopped buying tomato sauce a long time ago, and making my own was amazing! It tasted super fresh, and let’s face it, everything is better homemade. I can’t believe how simple it was to make, which is true for most sauces, spreads, and dressings.

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I’m still not craving any sweets. I don’t think I’ve ever gone this long in my life without ice cream. Don’t get me wrong, I will at some point indulge in a sweet or two and probably have a scoop of ice cream. But so far, dipping my toes back into the world of sugar has been a turn off. The feel of sugar coursing through my veins is not appealing. I won’t go back to my old ways, feeling like I need a handful of chocolate chips or a sugary sweet. I had two bites of my father’s cheesecake when we went out to dinner after my challenge was over and OH MAN, it was so sweet! I did not want to eat anymore. Too sweet kids, intense and too sweet!

I feel empowered to be off sugar. I feel as though I’m continuing to practice what I’ve always preached. I’m even more committed to a healthy lifestyle. I’m constantly questioning the food I’m eating and reading all the labels. I don’t feel like I need to “splurge” or need a “cheat day.” My taste buds have changed and I can taste the natural sweetness in foods. Love that! Currently I’m turning down all cookies and cakes I’ve been offered. I don’t need that sugar rush. I’m enjoying being free! My no sugar revolution continues!



Photo credits to and &

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