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Eat Smart Diet: 6 Step Process for Success

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The reason diets are hard is simple, but success can be too! Ask yourself a few simple questions, then follow our six steps to Eat Smart and eat what you crave. Its your personalized Eat Smart Diet!


Agonizing over what to eat and how to lose weight is a thing of the past. The Eat Smart Diet is relaxed and made to fit you, because you create it! Simply answer the questions in our six simple steps, and you can be eating smart and feeling great.

I’ve called this an Eat Smart diet because I want you to be smart about what you’re eating. That doesn’t mean restrictions and drastic changes, but it does mean thinking rationally about what you have at each of your three meals. Having a donut for breakfast is not smart. You can eat one for dessert after dinner if you’re craving it, but there is zero nutritional value in a donut. It’s not smart to have it be the first thing you eat. It’s also not smart to starve yourself by skipping breakfast. Eating smart means eating something of value for all three meals.

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Time to start your Eat Smart diet. I’m going to ask you six simple questions. Your answers determine the action you take. Six questions, one per step. Nothing more and nothing less. I’ve also made some recommendations for products I like, to help you follow through on your health journey. This diet works for me and has become my lifestyle. Let’s go for it together!


Eat Smart Diet:

1. What meal would you enjoy having for breakfast nearly every day, Monday through Friday?

Remember to make your answer a smart choice. Personally, I have two slices of toast every morning for breakfast. I put peanut butter (with no added sugar or salt) and apple slices on one piece, then I put a slice of turkey and melted cheese on the other. This is a bigger breakfast, but I workout most mornings and need the extra calories. This breakfast gives me energy, protein, and is filling. Plus I love it and can eat it every single day.

Pick something smart you can eat every day, then do it Monday through Friday. Counting calories is annoying, but if you eat the same thing every day, then you know exactly what you’re consuming without worrying about a number. Pick a smart breakfast, eat it, then repeat.


2. What meal would you enjoy having for lunch nearly every day, Monday through Friday?

Just like in step one, pick a smart meal choice for lunch. Pick something you really love and can eat nearly every day, Monday through Friday. You will be balancing your diet without even trying. My lunch of choice is a turkey sandwich, with mustard and pickles and one slice of cheese. I have an apple with my sandwich and about one or two servings of tortilla chips. I also like to have a banana in the morning as a snack.

Fruits are really sweet and a great, natural, source of sugar and energy. Plus they have a ton of vitamins. You won’t even realize you’re regulating your diet if you pick foods you love to eat over and over again. Pick smart foods for a smart meal. Then repeat.


3. What one treat do you love above all others?

Life is meant to be fun and rewarding ourselves is a big part of that. But if you have a ton of desserts and treats in the house, you’re very likely to eat them. That’s not smart, especially if your goal is to eat healthier. Pick out one treat you absolutely love, then buy it. Make it the only treat you keep in your pantry for the week. If you want to change next week, go for it! But buy one treat you love, then make it last all week. Its your favorite, so you won’t mind at all.


4. What one vegetable do you enjoy eating, or at least tolerate?

You need your vitamins and vegetables are a great source. Plus they add color to a meal, which goes a long way towards making things appetizing. Eat this vegetable at dinner. Make sure you have at least one. If you’re one of those people who claim to hate all vegetables, then take a moment and at least decide what one you can tolerate. We humans are great at acquiring a taste for things. Most of us did not like beer or coffee the first time we tried it. So eat that vegetable consistently and you’ll soon grow to like it.


5. What do you drink during the day?

Most drinks provide little to no nutritional value. They are simply empty calories. It’s really hard to be aware of our intake when we drink a ton of calories. What are you drinking? Personally, I drink black coffee in the morning and water the rest of the day. One hundred percent juice is good, but it’s also calories. Cutting back on anything other than water is a necessary evil of your eat smart diet.


6. What time do you eat dinner, on average?

Studies show that eating too close to bedtime leads to weight gain. If you have your dinner at 8 PM and are in bed by 10 PM, you’re eating dinner too late. Now we all have schedule constraints and not everyone can have dinner at 6 PM like I do most nights, but do what you can. The earlier you have dinner, the more time your body has to digest before you climb into bed. I’m guilty of having a snack after 9 PM, but it should be avoided as well, especially if you are asleep by 10 PM.


Share with us your questions, comments, and success stories. We are all in this health game together and need one another’s support to succeed! Eat smart and feel great. That’s the goal.


Dan Salem is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. He’s also a Staff Writer for NFL Spinzone, as well as an Actor, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in his Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram.



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