
30 Day Cardio Challenge a Fitness Must!

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This 30 Day Cardio Challenge is a must kids! It’s a great 30 day fitness challenge and definitely one that is deceivingly hard, but oh so worth it!


The cardio challenge is a simple one, just two exercises: high knees and mountain climbers. Yes, that is it and it works your body oh so well. My favorite part about this challenge was the simplicity of it. You do it every day! The same two exercises! The amounts change, varying greatly day to day, but otherwise it’s very consistent and that’s great.

Another great thing about this fitness challenge is how confronting it is. The challenge starts out pretty simple with just 40 high knees and 20 mountain climbers on day one. Not bad! Ultimately you end doing 240 high knees and 60 mountain climbers on day thirty, but you actually do a max of 80 climbers on the second to last day. When I first looked at the challenge I did not know how I would possibly do 240 high knees. I thought for sure that I would have to break them up into sets, but surprisingly I did not! That’s what doing high knees and climbers daily for a month will get you!

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Mountain climbers are seriously an amazing exercise that a lot of people don’t take advantage of. They works your arms, core and legs all at once. That’s right, they’re a great full body workout. The secret to getting the most out of climbers is making sure you count doing both legs as one rep. Yes its harder, but it’s definitely worth it. In the beginning it will feel extremely tough, but by the end you’ll be able to do 60 and 80 climbers in a row and not have to stop and break it up!


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The foundation of this challenge is great! You spend the first eleven days building up your strength and stamina. You don’t do more than 80 climbers on any given day, which is perfect! The number of high knees builds as your ability to do them improves. Those first few days you really work on your stamina, opening you up to the rest of the challenge. It gives you the foundation to be able to withstand way more.

The mountain climbers vary a bit differently than the high knees, since they’re the more difficult of the two exercises. I found that in the beginning I needed to break them up into sets, which was definitely fine. I was winded and that was awesome! By the end I could do them all in one set and not having to break them up felt great!

This fitness challenge is pretty perfect. It’s great for people of all fitness levels and will push you no matter what. I really like challenges that are approachable like this. You can get the best benefits out of them, because there is not a learning curve at all. Everyone has done high knees and mountain climbers before, and while they can be extremely hard, they are definitely simple!

I can’t say enough good things about this 30 day cardio challenge. It’s a great way to keep yourself committed to your fitness regime. But on the other hand, if you’re not committed already, it will help you get there. That’s really why I love 30 day challenges so much. They’re easily approached and like this cardio challenge, you can do them ANYWHERE. You don’t need any equipment.

Grab a buddy and challenge each other to spend the next 30 days doing cardio every morning! Get out of bed. Put your gym clothes on and get to those high knees and mountain climbers! Your heart will be racing and your body will be thanking you!



Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. She’s an actress, writer, and producer. Get lost in her youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram



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