
12 Outdoor Family Activities To Do This Spring

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It’s time to escape your home and embrace the warmth and beauty of spring! We have 12 of our favorite outdoor family activities ready to go, because fun waits for no one.


As the days start to get longer, the desire to escape outdoors grows strong. You and your family want to get out of the house and have fun! There are so many unique and adventurous ways to engage with your kids, so we’ve grabbed 12 of our favorite outdoor family activities.

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All of these activities require you to leave the house, while a few will take you someplace new indoors. Many don’t require travel at all, while several combine your family’s creativity with the nature in your backyard. Because leaving the house is a great way to celebrate longer days and warmer weather, get to it and embrace these outdoor family activities!


Outdoor Family Activities


1. Get Historic

If you want to do something that will both engage your kids and teach them something, consider going to a museum or historic landmark. With a little bit of research beforehand, you can give them some fun facts to think about while you’re exploring the museum or landmark. For example, if you live near a founding father’s hometown and you want to go see where they grew up, you can tell them that the Constitution was created more than 200 years ago. Get them excited to visit a part of history. These activities are certainly more engaging for older kids, but many museums also offer activities catered towards younger children.

2. Visit a Nature Reserve or Park

Warm weather is one of the best parts of spring, and that’s why getting out to enjoy it is a great family activity. You can go for a nature hike, bird watching, camping, or even fishing. Fishing had about 11.6 participants between six and 18 in 2017, so a lot of kids enjoy the activity. It’s a great way to spend a day and bond with one another in a relaxed setting.

3. Garden Together

If you don’t live near a park or reserve but you still want to get outside, start in your own backyard! The spring is a great time to plant new flowers and vegetables in your garden. Plus, kids can help with many gardening tasks. Have them help you dig holes for seeds or hand you flowers as you plant them. You can also ask what kind of flowers or vegetables they want to grow beforehand. Then teach them about the growing process and the best times to pick flowers or vegetables later in the year.

4. Decorate Eggs

Even if you don’t celebrate Easter, decorating hard boiled eggs is a fun spring-time activity. There are tons of kits that make it very easy to decorate eggs, so look for one at your local craft store and get started! Many come with stickers and designs to personalize your artwork. You can then use the eggs as decorations in a small basket. This will add some spring-time brightness to your usual decor.


outdoor family activities
Photo by Yulianto Poitier from Pexels


5. Take Pictures of Flowers

This is an activity that you can do all spring (and summer). Make it a game with your family to see who can get pictures of the most different types of flowers. You can either get disposable cameras for your kids, or you can give them your phone to take pictures when they notice the flowers. After you’ve taken the picture, try to find out what kind of flower it is! Since different flowers bloom at different times, this activity is never the same twice.

6. Make a Bird Feeder

There are many different ways to make bird feeders, so you can take your pick depending on the type of materials you have around and how long you want to have the bird feeder. The type of feeder you make will also determine what type of birds you attract. Make sure that once you place it outside, you don’t put it too close to where you park your car. This will help to avoid getting bird droppings on it! Also be aware of making it too easy for squirrels and other animals to access. They love free food as well.

7. Find Rocks and Paint Them

When you’re out and about on a walk, hike, or playing at a park, have your family find some larger rocks. Then bring them home, clean them up, and set the rocks aside for painting. Certain parks and reserves have rules about not taking rocks, so make sure that isn’t the case before you pick some up. Once you’re back at home, wash off the rocks and get painting!

8. Make Flower Crowns

Next time you’re at a park, start picking dandelions that are still yellow or clovers and use them to create a flower crown. There are many tutorial videos that can help teach you how. Even a simple crown is a fun (and free) craft to make. Wear them proudly around the park or during the hike where you found the flowers.


Photo by Agung Pandit Wiguna from Pexels
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9. Fly a Kite

Flying a kite is a classic spring and summer activity, and it can be a great family activity. You can make your own kite or you can buy one that is pre-made from a store. The real fun is in watching it fly and twist through the wind. Go down to the beach or to a clear park area and let if fly.

10. Visit a Farmer’s Market

Farmer’s markets usually return in the spring, while others are open year round in warmer climates. If you’ve been shying away, now is a great time to start going regularly. Farmer’s markets are a great way to get fresh, in-season, local produce. They also are a great way to show your kids different local businesses. Depending on the farmer’s market, there may be baked goods or other treats for your kids as well.

11. Have a Picnic

Once the weather is warm enough, you can pack a lunch and find a park or open field to have a picnic in. Make sure to pack a blanket or beach towels to sit on, especially if it’s a little wet out like it tends to be in the spring. Bring food such as sandwiches or pasta salad, as well as an array of snacks. Then enjoy some time outside with your family.

12. Volunteer Your Time

Volunteering is a wonderful way to make sure that your kids are aware of the world around them and the problems that people face. More than one billion people, which equates to about one in seven people, don’t have tolerable shelter. This is a big problem, so consider volunteering with an organization that helps the homeless population in your town or city. You can also visit animal shelters to help take the dogs for walks, or pick up trash at your local park. You don’t have to make a grand gesture to make a positive impact on your community.


Spring is a wonderful time to get out of your house after a winter of being cooped up inside. These outdoor family activities will help bring energy and new life of spring into your family’s lives. Get outside and enjoy yourself!


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