
Victoria’s Secret – A customer service Gem

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I have a big confession to make. I love Victoria’s Secret. Love it! I have for years. There’s just something freeing about wearing wonderfully colored undies. No one sees them except me, but they definitely make me feel special! Did I mention they have tremendous customer service?

I’ve been ordering online and from the Victoria’s Secret catalog for years. Years people! First from the catalog as a girl and now with my trusty computer. So a few weeks ago I got an email from Vickies about a sale! They’re ALWAYS having some sort of sale. This time it was on bikinis. Score one for Mandi; my weakness people! My weakness. I needed a new white bikini, as my former favorite from BCBG was looking haggard. I’d worn that bad boy out. Browsing through the items on Vickies, I found a solid white bikini for only $30; top and bottom. Damn that’s cheap! So of course I ordered that bad boy up. Thank you very much!

I anticipated the arrival of my bikini. I couldn’t wait to try it on for my man and show off my new abs. The day came and it was on my doorstep, but silly me, I ordered the wrong size bikini bottom. It was too big! I mentioned earlier their great customer service and that’s what makes Victoria’s Secret so damn amazing and wonderful. Inside my order was a pre-paid return/exchange slip and shipping label. Easy peasy! I promptly sent back the bottom with a request to exchange and a few short days later my properly sized bikini bottom was on its way to me. Woo!

In this day and age of paying for your own return postage or driving to some drop box to make a return, Victoria’s Secret customer service is stellar! It has to be the BEST I’ve ever encountered. Seriously, even back when they exclusively did catalog orders, they always sent a return label and made the exchange process a snap. Other companies have tried to follow in their footsteps, Forever21’s system is almost as flawless, but still Victoria’s Secret stands out. It’s incredible.

Everything’s digital this and digital that nowadays and it can be super hard to get in contact with a real person. But with Victoria’s Secret, they reach out to you! I’m a frequent online shopper and many times I have to directly contact a website to see if my order was shipped. Yes that’s right; some websites don’t even send you a shipping confirmation. Ridiculous! You get none of that BS with Victoria’s Secret; there’re top notch.

I love this people; hurray for wonderful customer service! Victoria’s Secret, keep doing what you’re doing and thank you. I’ll keep ordering my bikinis and undies, anxiously awaiting my packages with the knowledge that if the size is wrong or they don’t fit right, I can effortlessly send it right back!

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