
Sweating it out!

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Nothing beats a solid sweat. I wake up every morning, hop out of bed, and go for a run. That’s always my first goal of the day. Sure, sometimes I can’t make that happen due to my schedule or needing to give my running legs a rest, but most days I meet that goal! And having been faithful to this goal for the last few years, I’ve learned a very important lesson. I don’t feel like myself until I’ve gotten a good sweat!

Sweating is one of nature’s cure alls. It detoxifies, relaxes, and rejuvenates. And I love it! It’s a staple of my daily life and I have two great examples to share of how sweating it out has helped me get back on track. Two weeks ago I was on set for over twelve hours shooting a horror film and boy was it dirty and draining. I was supposed to have been beaten, tortured, raped, and chained up inside this run down hovel. It definitely took a toll on my body. By the time I got home and cleaned up that night, I felt like I’d truly lived it! The next morning all I wanted to do was lie in bed all day, but that was not in the cards for me. I knew better, knew another option that would make me feel amazing. So what did I do? I forced my lifeless body out of bed and went for a run. Damn that run! It was hard. My legs were sore and I definitely wasn’t running fast, but once I was done I felt amazing! Sweating it out completely righted me. I was able to focus and accomplish my goals for the day, even though I’d woken up wanting to stay in bed!

Sweating it out is rejuvenating, and just this last weekend I needed it again. I celebrated my birthday on Saturday night and definitely enjoyed a few margaritas. When I woke up Sunday morning I was fighting off a fierce hangover! My man actually suggested not running, but I told him no! Running is always my go-to hangover cure. Trust me, sweating out the toxins and getting your body moving is key! I’ve never looked back after running with a hangover and wished I hadn’t. It just doesn’t happen, and this Sunday proved me right again. Once I finished my run I felt rejuvenated and full of life! I’d faced my inner turmoil and I let it all sweat out. I was able to motivate myself to do work the rest of the day and not be a hungover mess! Woo, it was great.

Trust me. Sweating it out will help you feel normal. It helps me feel like me and will do the same for you. It always works wonders, preventing outside forces from influencing the way I start my day. It also keeps me grounded. No matter what is going on in my life, I don’t let it influence my running or my sweating. Often times when we lose control of our lives, we lose control of our health. For me, being healthy is something I’m never going to sacrifice! Use sweating to control both, to keep you healthy and keep in control.

Sweat it out people! Do it! I promise, no one ever said “I wish I didn’t go for that run.” You just don’t. However you want to sweat it out, decide and go do it. Find what keeps you centered and make that a part of your daily life. You won’t ever want to go a day without it!


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