
Marriage is an Adventure, So Keep it Fun!

Marriage is an adventure, so keep it fun. That is the best motto I have when it comes to marriage, because I always remind myself that life itself is fun! Marriage should be too.


It’s always funny to take a good hard look at your own marriage. I always remind myself that marriage is an adventure, so we must keep it fun. It definitely takes reminding though, because let’s face it, we all get in our own way sometimes. We also get in the way of others.

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I’ll be completely honest and share with you that I have a great marriage, and have always had a very amazing relationship. Some may say it’s luck, but I definitely believe it’s aligning with the right person and mindset. Early on in my relationship with Dan, neither one of us liked or wanted to be one of those couples who fight. I’m not a breakup/makeup person and neither is Dan. This led us to both openly communicate with one another. But open communication does not come naturally to everyone, which is why many couples seek marriage counseling. Find out if counseling is right for you, because having fun is the goal!


Marriage and Family

No matter what happens during the day, no matter what is said, I can honestly say that I never go to bed angry at Dan or wanting to pick a fight back up the next morning. This is definitely because we talk things out. I can’t tell you the last time we had a fight. Even now as we expand our family, we make sure to always have time for ourselves! We always make time for fun!

Now this does not mean that we don’t bicker back and forth. I’d say Dan and I have bickered since the beginning. Most of the time its semantics and nonsense. If it does seem to escalate, then one of us or both of us can de-escalate it. It’s something that we both learned by talking to one another about the things that bother us.

Dan and I committed a long time ago to communicating with one another. It’s so funny how this can appear to be such a difficult thing for many couples to do. While I’ll say we are good at communicating with one another now, it still takes work. There are times that one of us will say something that rubs the other the wrong way and it takes time to move back those feelings. Don’t be afraid to ask for help in opening up the lines of communication with your partner. It can go a long way towards finding the fun all over again.

Add Love to Everything

I can’t remember which one of us realized it, or if we realized it together, but neither one of us wants to hurt one another. Even if we say something that might appear to be mean, most of the time it is not meant with malice, but with love. We worked through this together, but I’ve always been open to getting outside advice. Dan has too and since we’ve both been open to it, we are able to let ourselves openly communicate with one another.

Many people like to look at other people’s relationships and think how easy it is. I’ve had many friends say the same thing to me about Dan and I. The funny thing is, all good things take effort. Dan and I committed to being together, being open about our feelings, and understanding how powerful both words and feelings can be. They have the power to hurt your partner, as well as heal. Because we try to always openly communicate with one another, we instinctively do it. No matter what, our marriage is an adventure, so we’re keeping it fun!



Photo Credit: American Psychological Association
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