
Intense Core Challenge Not For Faint of Heart!

This intense core challenge is not for the faint of heart! This bad boy is the perfect challenge for those who want to push their bodies to their limit and embrace a month of complete soreness!


Last week I finished an intense 30 day core challenge. Let me tell you, this core challenge is not for the faint of heart! That being said, no matter what your fitness level, you can still take on this challenge. Simply go into it prepared to get your bum kicked!

This core challenge didn’t waste much time getting intense. I love challenges like this, because they challenge me physically as well as mentally. At first glance, this one seems simple. You do push-ups, plank reaches, and plank and you start out with low numbers. Even though I looked at the full challenge before starting, it did not register with me that by day 30 I’d do 60 push-ups!

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I committed myself to do the work and accomplish 60 straight push-ups by day 30, but don’t forget I spent last month doing 10 push-ups a day as well. I met my goal and did it! If you are not as skilled with push-ups, then consider breaking them up into sets because this is an intense core challenge. During my journey over the 30 days of this challenge, there were moments when I thought I’d have to break up the push-ups, but I didn’t. Once I did 40 push-ups in a row, I knew I could do 60 too!

The exercise that really crept up on me during this challenge was plank reaches. They became just as tough as the push-ups. I did this challenge with Dan and he got sick during it and had to break up the reaches into sets. I highly recommend doing that if you feel overwhelmed. Personally, I didn’t want to break anything up into sets, because I felt that I could do this challenge straight through in its entirety. Mission accomplished!


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During the last few days of this challenge I got sick too. This completed tested my fortitude, but I persevered. It felt great to finish it off and beat my sickness all at once! This is one of those challenges where you don’t have a true rest day, because your rest day is 10 plank reaches and a 60 second plank. This “rest” day was still a great reprieve, since there are no push-ups involved.

Before embarking on this intense core challenge, just know that you will be extremely sore during it. I didn’t realize just how sore I was, which was actually refreshing. I hadn’t done a challenge like this in a real long time! On the day I finished, I felt a great sense of accomplishment which felt wonderful!

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This intense core challenge takes an extreme level of commitment, but if you decide you’re doing it then just ride the wave. I highly recommend a nice bath or two during this challenge. I love these Dr. Tea bath soaking salts and they are perfect for when your body is really sore.

This fitness challenge is not for the faint of heart. I know I said this above, but I truly mean it. It’s a challenge and when you finish it you will be so glad that you’re done. I loved the mental and physical challenge of it, but it’s definitely one of those challenges where I needed something less intense for this coming month!


Connect with our Writer:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Host at BuzzChomp. She’s also an Actress, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in her Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram



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