
How To Master 30 Burpees in 15 Days!

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How do you master 30 burpees straight? I did them every day for 15 days, and we’re talking new-school burpees with a push-up and jump. This is no easy task.


The question of how to master 30 burpees weighed heavily on my mind when I began this most recent “30 day challenge” that was actually 15 days, but still! I read a blog about a woman who did 15 days of 30 burpees and knew I had to take the challenge. It inspired me to master this exercise!

Let’s first lay out what a burpee is and is not. I love burpees, but I actually love old-school burpees. You squat down, jump back into plank, jump forward into a squat, and stand up. They are fluid and intense and I easily mastered the old-school style, but never would I call them easy! They’re a great cardio workout. This particular challenge is with new-school burpees. These have become popular amidst the Boot-camp and Crossfit workout boom. You squat down, jump back into plank, do a push-up, jump forward into a squat, and then stand and jump up to tie it all together. I thought old-school burpees were a full body workout, but these are on another level.


How To Master 30 Burpees

Enlist a partner. I enlisted my man to do this challenge with me. I explained the difference between the two styles of burpees and how I wanted us to document our challenge. Our vlog series will be out this month on Youtube! Initially I wanted to see the changes to my body after just 15 days of 30 burpees a day, but the moment I started I realized this was all about how to actually accomplish it.

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Accept that they are hard. By doing accepting this face, I gave myself the freedom of doing three sets of 10. I initially thought that I would sail through each set. I’d shorten my rest time between sets and by the end I would be doing 30 burpees effortlessly. I was wrong. Yes, I said that to myself and yes, you may laugh out loud at me. Thirty burpees never became easy. I definitely need more than 15 days for them to become effortless, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t master 30 burpees. I certainly did.


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Lay out your plan of action. This challenge is hard no matter how you break it up, but you need a plan. Throughout the challenge I evolved, beginning with 3 sets of 10 reps, then 2 sets of 15 reps, getting to one set of 30 straight by day seven. I quickly decided that 2 sets of 15 was ideal for me, but then my man said he was going to do 30 straight and we were doing them side by side, so I couldn’t stop. I had to do all 30. This is when I learned that it was just as hard no matter how many sets you do! So I decided that for the rest of the challenge I would just do the burpees straight.

Find enjoyment in this challenge! It took me half the challenge, but I embraced the after glow of the burpees. It’s what I craved each time I did the challenge and what pushed me through my inevitable slowdown halfway through each set. I knew that if I stopped to take a rest, I was putting off what I craved. Resting did not make me feel better. It did not make the last 15 reps any easier. Instead, powering through not only got me to what I wanted, but made me stronger! I now feel stronger and look stronger too. I mastered 15 days of 30 burpees. Success!

Mastering 30 burpees a day will make you sore, make you sweat, and give you an incredible feeling of success. A part of me wants to continue to do burpees every day. I definitely would have to motivate to continue to do 30 in a row, especially since I’m feeling the past 15 days in my shoulders, arms, chest, legs, abs… my whole body!


Would I do this challenge again? Yes I would! Will I continue to add burpees into my weekly workouts? Yes I will! Mastering 15 days of 30 burpees definitely taught me that physically I can get through anything, and if I’m working out right next to someone I love and respect, I won’t stop until they do.


Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. She’s an actress, writer, and producer. Get lost in her youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram


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