
Eating Simple with Healthy Snacks

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Have you ever gone to buy a snack, flipped over the package to read the ingredients, only to find that you don’t know what half of them even are? It’s a blessing and a curse kids. It’s important to know what goes in your body, but don’t get discouraged by foods full of crazy ingredients. Let go of being bothered by the label, let go of those foods, and learn to eat simple with natural, healthy snacks!

For a long time I was convinced that a snack came out of a bag. That’s crazy talk! Learning to eat simple is easy; it’s eating smart and having some foresight. I now have my go to snacks, healthy foods that are perfect on the go and in small bites. In my pantry I have raw almonds, raw cashews, raw pecans, and unsalted sunflower seeds. Nuts are both filling and delicious and a great healthy snack. Check the serving size on each nut to keep your calories low and fat down. Then mix those nuts together for a homemade trail mix! You can add shredded coconut or carob chips (like chocolate chips but not so darn sweet) to enhance your trail mix. As long as you don’t go overboard with the nuts, homemade trail mix is a great simple and healthy snack.


A new favorite snack of mine are apple slices. Cut up any type of apple into thin slices, then dip those bad boys in peanut butter or just eat them plain. Just make sure you’re aware of how much peanut butter you’re eating. Peanut butter (no sugar and no salt recommended) is high in calories; just two tablespoons has about 200 calories in it. Having an apple slice or two in the afternoon is a delicious and sweet treat. Precut them and store in the fridge to take all the work out of it!

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The same goes for carrots and celery, two more great precut snacks. Chop those veggies up in large quantities and store them to eat later. It’s the BEST kids, the absolute best! Pull out a few slices and dip in some hummus for a late afternoon snack. Fresh veggies are such a simple snack and healthy. Skip buying those “baby” carrots and buy a bag of organic carrots instead. Regular carrots are infinitely sweeter, taste better, are full of vitamins, and are actually cheaper.

I’m partial to salty and savory snacks, but chips are not the answer for a simple and healthy treat. Get yourself a popcorn maker; it will revolutionize your world! Fresh popped popcorn BLOWS microwave popcorn out of the WATER. Not to mention, buying whole kernels is more reasonable than boxed microwave popcorn. It’s easy to regulate your toppings and add spices galore. I love spicy popcorn, so I skip the salt and butter and add hot sauce and cayenne pepper instead. Fresh popcorn is my GO TO snack. It’s super easy and super healthy. Plus, if you’re willing to make it ahead of time, you can totally put it in a bag and bring it to the movie theater or on the go. BAM! No more fattening 500 calorie popcorn.

Eating simple with healthy snacks is the best thing I’ve ever done. Sure, it takes a tiny amount of foresight. But next time you’re cutting up a carrot or celery, or about to eat an apple, just cut up a bunch instead! You’ll save yourself more time later by having your fruits and veggies precut. Plus, they’re great healthy snacks to take on the go or bring to work daily! The more you eat like this, the more you’re going to want to eat like this and make these snacks instinctively.

Trust me kids, it really is simple! You’ll love the fresh flavors of veggies, fruits, and nuts. And you’ll always have something yummy to snack on. Start eating simple with healthy snacks!



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