
Abs Challenge: 30 Days of Abs in Anticipation of Summer!

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It’s 30 Days of Abs in anticipation of summer! We just completed this amazing 30 day Abs Challenge and WOW! You’ll love it.


I just completed 30 days of abs for my most recent 30 day challenge and wow! I needed an abs challenge in anticipation of summer because let’s face it, summer bodies are made in the winter. That being said, this is definitely a challenge that you can do no matter your fitness ability. That’s a big reason why we love it!

Do not go into this abs challenge lightly. It by no means is easy, but it definitely is approachable. I love challenges like this because it’s not just one exercise, but four exercises every day! This challenge has exercises that we’ve all done thousands of times, but that doesn’t mean they are easy. For three days straight you’ll do plank, side plank, crunches, and bicycle crunches. Then you get a rest day. Phew!

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Side plank is one of my favorite exercises because it’s super confronting and it’s the best part of these 30 days of abs. The one thing that is a bit weird is the amount of time you hold side plank, because there are some days you hold each side for 27, 57, or even 73 seconds per side. The guide didn’t say whether that was per side or together, so Dan and I made an executive decision that it is per side.

Why is this abs challenge so great? Well I’m glad you asked, because these four exercises create the perfect storm! If you look at the numbers you’ll notice that you’re not holding or doing any of these exercises for an extreme amount, but all four together truly works your core! It’s why I relished the rest days because it gave my body and abs time to regroup.


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One exercises that got tougher than I thought was the bicycle crunches and that’s because these bad boys work your full core. When you’re doing 50 or more, then you really start to feel that burn! Not to mention, I always did these in the morning when my baby would be crawling all over me. Occasionally I had to ever so gently move her and if I stopped these crunches, that was when I really felt them!

I highly recommend not taking a rest between these four exercises. You’ll maximize this workout and I feel like I worked my abs harder by doing that! It gives you a good pace for this too and that will help you enjoy this challenge in anticipation of summer! By the end of these 30 days you will be doing a little over 5 minutes of abs work. I always did this when I got back from runs, so I always felt it that much more. I liked doing this challenge as a dessert to my other workouts!

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This Abs Challenge is perfect in anticipation of summer, plus its a great 30 day challenge! Now is the perfect time to try it out. If you’re looking to switch up your challenges, then convince a friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife to do it with you. You both can get up every morning and do it, or try to do it before bed! Let me know how this goes when you try it out!



Connect with our Writer:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Host at BuzzChomp. She’s also an Actress, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in her Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram



Abs Challenge Photo Credits: www.365beauty&

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