2nd Pregnancy Recap | Done at 38 weeks pregnant | Mommy and Me

It’s time for our 2nd Pregnancy recap and that’s right we were done at 38 weeks pregnant. I was definitely feeling like I was done being pregnant the week that I gave birth and our little boy felt the same way! Join our Mommy and Me pregnancy recap video.


This 2nd pregnancy very much mimicked my first pregnancy and with that I felt like I would not carry my baby to his due date! I was right ad we were done at 38 weeks pregnant. The exact day that I turned 38 weeks is when I went into labor! Make sure you check out our full Mommy and Me recap video!

Throughout my pregnancy I took a picture a week to document my changing body. I did this during my first pregnancy and I loved looking back and seeing how my body changed throughout. All of my pictures are montage in my video so make sure you watch it!

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My 2nd pregnancy body wise was very similar to my first. I just gained the weight in my belly. This time around my arms and legs stayed identical to how they were pre pregnancy. That’s a big difference between my two pregnancies. Since I didn’t put any weight on in my legs it did make my body much more sore than the first time around.

My goal for this pregnancy was to have a fit pregnancy like my first. I ran up to a week before I gave birth and did the elliptical the day before I went into labor. I know working out made my delivery easier and definitely is a main reason why all and all my pregnancy wasn’t super difficult.

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This time around I was much sorer and more uncomfortable than the first time. It could be because my body already knew what was ahead and also because I had another child to look after too. My body definitely did not like the extra weight which is definitely evident in how I shed the weight right after the baby is out of me.

My second pregnancy gave me a larger baby and my little one was a whole pound heavier than my daughter was. I knew he was bigger because I could feel him taking up my whole belly. This was a big difference between my first and second and definitely shaped the last few months of my pregnancy.

I’m so glad that my second pregnancy is over! It was a really great experience and it’s the last time I will be pregnant. Overall a really good experience and be on the lookout for our birth story! Make sure you watch our full video for our 2nd pregnancy recap and share with us your own story.


Meet Our Host:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Writer, and Co-Owner of BuzzChomp. She’s an acclaimed Actor, Director and Producer. Visit M Square Productions for her film work, or get lost in her comedy on Pillow Talk TV. You can follow her on TikTok, X and Instagram.

Photo Credit to Yours Truly

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