Tyrion Lannister is King: Game of Thrones Season 7 Vlog

The coolest and most complicated Iron Throne theory ends with Tyrion Lannister as king of Westeros. He is currently the Hand to Daenerys Targaryen, meaning he’ll be back on the battlefield as Game of Thrones Season 7 begins. How can Tyrion end as supreme ruler? Watch and learn!

Many, many people must die for Tyrion to rule the kingdom. But the silver lining is actual peace among the noble houses of Westeros. Nothing would make us happier than seeing Tyrion as king, but who would be his queen?

Who wins the war for Westeros? Will Tyrion Lannister end on the iron throne? Game of Thrones Season 7 is a bloody mess of war and betrayal and its awesome! Remember, there is no reason why Game of Thrones will end with a happy ending! We just want peace!

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Who do you all think will end on the Iron Throne when Game of Thrones concludes?

Share your theories with us on BuzzChomp, or over on the Youtube video page, and if they’re solid, we’ll discuss them live in a new video! Game of Thrones season 7 theories.

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Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. She’s an actress, writer, and producer. Get lost in her youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram

Dan Salem is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. He’s also a Staff Writer for NFL Spinzone, as well as an Actor, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in his Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram.



Game of Thrones Season 7 Photo Credits: HBO.com

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