The Mandalorian Season 2 What We Know and Predictions | BuzzChomp

The Mandalorian Season 2 won’t be back until the fall of 2020, but that doesn’t mean that we don’t already know a ton about what’s to come. Our video breaks down what we know, plus predictions for season 2 of The Mandalorian. I can’t wait to see where this show goes!


The Mandalorian was definitely one of my favorite new shows of 2019. I’m super intrigued with where it will go in season 2. Let me break down The Mandarlorian season 2 what we know and predictions. Check out our full video, then comment below with your theories for season two.

The Mandalorian season 2 will premiere sometime in the fall of 2020. I’m under the assumption that it will premiere in November. The show debuted in November 2019 so it will be fitting if they stick with the November theme.

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Jon Favreau dropped a good tidbit that baby Yoda has a name. With that piece of knowledge I think that season 2 will give us baby Yoda’s name! I can’t wait to hear it and I’m wondering if he’ll start to talk in season 2.

By the end of season 1 Mando finally formed his own little crew. Baby Yoda, of course, Cara, Karga, IG-11, and Kuiil (R.I.P.). Cara and Karga will definitely be back in season 2. Cara decided she would stay with Karga especially since he said he’d wipe her slate clean. We know that Carl Weathers, the actor who plays Karga, signed on to director an episode in season 2. That definitely means he’ll be back acting too!

Bring Home The Show

Since Moff Gideon is not dead, hopefully leading Cara, Karga, Mando, and baby Yoda realize sooner than later, that means that he will definitely be back in season 2 and will be their main enemy. I definitely think that we’ll learn more about Moff Gideon and the network of people he’s aligned. The force will be used more and there might even be a bigger enemy they face.

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I can’t wait to see where The Mandalorian season 2 goes. Check out our full video for the breakdown of what we know and more of our predictions. What do you all think will happen in season 2?

Meet Our Host:

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Writer, and Co-Owner of BuzzChomp. She’s an acclaimed Actor, Director and Producer. Visit M Square Productions for her film work, or get lost in her comedy on Pillow Talk TV. You can follow her on TikTok, X and Instagram.

Photo Credit to Disney

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