
Holiday Decorating your house with Cheer!

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Holiday decorating is for everyone, so make sure you decorate your house with cheer! The holidays are in full swing but let’s face it, most stores have been decorated since before Halloween. That’s a little early. I always make sure my decorations are up by December 1st so I can enjoy them all month long! No matter how much you get into the holidays, how early you decorate or what type of decorations you enjoy, make sure your house is full of cheer!

I grew up in a house that went Christmas overboard. Holiday decorating was a major family tradition and it was fabulous! We had a giant Christmas tree decorated to the nines with wonderfully unique decorations. The smell of the tree and the pretty lights always got me in the spirit. It didn’t feel like the holidays until the entire house smelt like Christmas! Even though I don’t celebrate the holidays in Los Angeles, I still carry on my Christmas tradition out west. My home is full of cheer!

We have a fake Christmas tree. I know. GASP. For years I believed one needed a real tree or BUST. But reality is very different and when it came to holiday decorating in my own home, we embraced the change. I love my little, fake, Christmas tree! It brings joy to my heart and it fills me with Christmas cheer! I hope it puts a smile on everyone who visits us over the holidays, because it makes me smile every day. I love decorating my tree, the same tree every year. Just the act of it gets me into the holiday spirit and certainly fills my house with cheer.


What if you don’t like the work that goes into holiday decorating? Don’t worry! You can fill your house with some holiday spirit and still have decorations without any real work! There are so many little mini Christmas trees out there that are plastic, ceramic, or another cool textile. You can place them on a table or in front of your fireplace and BAM, you got a tree without any work! Just putting a wreath on your front door will bring holiday cheer into your house. So go ahead, make yourself and your family smile!

If you have a house, you can put lights in each window. If you have an apartment, hang some lights on the walls. A little light can shine really bright and it totally brings the cheer into your life. Hanging lights is pretty simple and quick, but there are a myriad of holiday decorating services too! They’ll come and put up all the lights for you and wow, the displays get impressive. There is a house on Sunset Blvd. in Beverly Hills that has a service come every year to light it up with at least twenty dancing Santas. They are all life size and amazing!


No matter how you decorate, the most important thing about the holidays is taking in and spreading the cheer! That’s really all that matters! Every one of us deserves to be happy, so embrace the holiday spirit and spread it around. Any kind of holiday decorating is sure to bring the cheer to you and those you share it with. And that’s really what this holiday is all about! Bringing out love and a smile to fill your heart with joy all year round!

Enjoy your holiday decorating any way you like and keep that cheer in your heart! Happy Holidays!



Holiday decorating your house with cheer!
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