
A Royal Baby Woo-hoo!

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I love, love the juicy gossip!  I may even drool a little; get those crazy eyes for the extra special People mag covers.  And nothing beats a baby!  When I was a wee tike, a tween, my favorite pastime was leafing through recent teen magazines for Joshua Jackson photos.  Personal favorites included Bop! and Teen Magazine.  I’m sorry to say they died along with my high school years.  I’d rip out my favorite picture of my favorite guy, read Joshua Jackson, and soak in the juicy gossip.  I loved the spreads of JTT and anything to do with Prince William and Prince Harry.  Princes are hot!  Like every other doe eyed teen female, I wanted to grow up and marry a prince.  And my fate, like yours, was sealed! I had a royal obsession and it wasn’t about to go away like the mags I once read.

Count me as one of the lucky ones!  I grew up and met my own modern day prince and have been living happily ever after.  Go me!  I’ve tried to keep my obsession with the royal family a secret, but awe snap, it’s not so secret anymore.  What an amazing day April 29, 2011 was, when Prince William finally married his long time love Ms. Kate Middleton.  Party over here!  Now Wills and Kate can live happily ever after as the perfect little Prince and Princess.  And can we all say preggers?  In this fairytale we get a full view of what happily ever after actually looks like!

For Prince and Princess, a baby is on the way.  A baby!  JOY!  I’ve even read that they might be having twins. Twins!  Just like me!  Oh how sweet it is.  Rejoice knowing there will at least be one heir to the royal throne of England.  If they have a little boy, future generations of girls will dream of marrying a prince like I once did!  And they’ll follow that little boy from peewee soccer, read football in England, into high school and through his party years.  What fun!  If they have a little girl… I’m pulling for a baby prince, but a cute princess would for sure make the young boys swoon.  And maybe they’d honor her with the name Diana.  Oh the possibilities!

It’s safe to say my fascination with the royal family will continue on! And I know yours will too.  Don’t lie; I know you love a fairytale.  So long live the newest member to the royal family!  May Prince William and his Kate have many more healthy babies.  Then we’ll have even more princes and princesses to fall for!

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