Day 27: No Added Sugar 30 Day Challenge (Video Blog)

Day 27: No Added Sugar 30 Day Challenge.

After enjoying our Snowboarding trip we worked up even more of an appetite! I tried to get some sort of chips from the mountain and EVERY single packaged item had SUGAR added to it!

Not COOL. Not cool at all. Why does Jalapeño Kettle Chips need Sugar? Why do pretzel need sugar added to them? I want my snack salty not sweet! Food for thought kids.

Comment below with any questions. Come back for Day 28!

Mandi loves Health & Fitness and Vlogging. Join her No Added Sugar 30 Day Challenge video series:

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Come back TOMORROW for Day 28!
Photo credits to http://www.fatloss101.net/ & http://www.fritolay.com/

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