
Break free of the Bikini Bod Cycle!

Summer is almost here! Woo! Officially on Friday, to be exact, and for months now you’ve all heard about getting in shape for summer.  You’ve got to have that bikini body! Drop yourself ten pounds. Firm up that butt. Do ten push-ups for some toning and while you’re at it run four miles and drink a gallon of water! Goals are great, but don’t fall for the trap. Stick to them and break free of the Bikini Bod cycle.

What do you do now that you have your perfect bikini body? You spent all winter and spring in the gym, running, going to yoga, lifting weights, and you met your goal of a great bikini bod. Woo! Enjoy it! You reached your goal. Go you! Now listen up, vow to yourself that you’ll maintain it. By now you’ve created a new lifestyle for yourself.  You’ve reached your fitness goals and inevitably you’ve changed your eating habits for the better. You’re living a healthier lifestyle and you can’t go back now! You did so much work to get here!

Keep reminding yourself of that and never stop.  So many people get trapped in the cycle of “getting a bikini or beach body.”  They either never get there or worse; they get there and get excited and lazy, then drop their guard! If you haven’t gotten there yet, don’t worry about it! Keep working and you will. Just remember, don’t let your guard down this summer.  You definitely want to show off that body at Labor Day, so stick to it. The summer is the perfect time to keep upping your workouts.  It’s a great time to continue to eat light, healthy, and fresh! If you live in a climate with seasons, you’re reveling in the hot weather and I highly doubt you want to eat a whole bowl of pasta. So don’t do it! Most local farmers markets are bustling with amazing fresh fruits and veggies. Take advantage and keep your goals alive!

The weather is so amazing, why are you inside?  It’s super easy to add in fun and different workouts.  The sun shines way past eight at night, so add in a walk after dinner instead of gorging on ice cream and watching television. Boom, you just did two miles! Or dust off your bike and go for a long bike ride on the weekend or in the evening. It’s a fun way to add in another workout without it even feeling like a workout! And if you have a pool or access to one, get in a nice little swim for a fun and amazing bit of exercise. Look at that, I’m giving you secret tricks!

Whether you’ve already met your bikini body goal or are still working toward it, don’t worry! Keep pushing and working to achieve and maintain the new life you created.  Don’t fall into the trap of only having a goal for the moment.  What’s the point? If you don’t reach your physical and health goals until next winter, who cares! You’re still working toward your own health goals and that is the most positive way to live your life.  Get out there, have fun, eat healthy, and keep working toward your fitness goals! Stay motivated and focused and next winter when all those magazine covers scream at you about a “bikini body” you’ll laugh, because you already got yours the previous year and kept yourself in shape! Go you!

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