Fashion & Beauty

Today’s Man Is A Gentleman

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“Let’s hear it for the boys. Let’s give the boys a hand.” Those lyrics play in my head, whenever a sharply dressed man passes my way.  I salute and thank entertainers like Kanye West, Justin Timberlake, Ne-Yo and Robin Thicke, who made the gentlemen style a popular trend amongst our men.  To be honest, I was starting to think  the only way I would find a man with as much style as me, would be at my local West Hollywood club.

Ever since Justin’s “Sexy Back” and Ne-Yo’s ” Year of the Gentlemen” album, more and more men are choosing to look  dapper over dowdy.  One of  my favorite male trends is the tailored suit.  I’m talking, show me your waistline and let your pants glide down your legs with a sharp slim cut.  Guys love to see us women in clothes that flatter our bodies.  Well, us women want the same from our men.  A man not afraid to suit up, is a man indeed.  Trade in all baggy jeans and loose T-shirts, and leave those sloppy trends for the boys.

When you put your swag together, make sure you accessorize. A nice handkerchief, scarf or bow-tie, an elegant watch and don’t forget your European loafers . These items complete the look of sophistication.

The best examples of the gentlemen style can be seen featured in the new “James Bond” film Skyfall:  from pea coats to slim suits, nobody does it better.

So guys, do us and yourselves a favor, pick up an issue of GQ and drop by H&M and get inspired.



  1. James D

    November 8, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    Thanks for the tips! Dapper is deaf the way to go…and I looove H&M, as do the ladies 😉

  2. Andy

    November 8, 2012 at 11:29 pm

    Finding an inexpensive suit that fits is a hard task. But there’s nothing wrong with looking sharp.

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