5 Devastating Snowpiercer Season 2 Predictions

5 Devastating Snowpiercer Season 2 Predictions for a potentially amazing second season. Season 2 picks up right where season 1 left off so that means tensions are at an extreme high. Snowpiercer season 2 going to be a great one!


Snowpiercer season 2 is almost back! Season 1 was fabulous and season 2 picks right back up where it left off. The tensions are so high as Mr. Wilford along with Big Alice latched on to Snowpiercer and they are stuck together. I have 5 devastating Snowpiercer season 2 predictions that will rock this show. Make sure you watch our full video for the breakdown.

Mr. Wilford is here and he is played the fabulous Sean Bean. If you know anything about his amazing career is that he almost always dies in his movies and TV shows. This is why we predict that Mr. Wilford will die this season. He’ll prove to be an ultimate enemy and there is no place for him on the train and in this world.

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Another one of our 5 devastating predictions is that the second revolution of this show will be catastrophic. Even though Snowpiercer outnumbers Big Alice, they will have horrible casualties leading to a large number of deaths. This will make the population even smaller, making it essential that they find a new place to live and repopulate the world.

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Season 1 of Snowpiercer is stellar and they had already filmed almost all of season 2, but got shut down at the beginning of the pandemic. If you are not fully caught up on Snowpiercer run and watch it now. If only one or two of our predictions come true this will still be an amazing second season.

Share with me your thoughts on Snowpiercer and do you think our 5 devastating Snowpiercer season 2 predictions will ring true? I hope so and I cannot wait for the second season of this show.


Meet Our Host

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Host at BuzzChomp. She’s an Actress, Writer, Director and Producer. Get lost in her Youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Photo Credit to TNT

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