
Snack time! Easy sweet n sea-salty Almond milk Recipe


I’m so excited to share this recipe with you! Usually I’m all about the yummy, unhealthy snacks, but I try my best to go the healthy route during the week. I got the recipe for this tasty and healthy drink from the Boston-based smoothie and pressed juice shop Nourish Your Soul (NYS). Love it.

It’s pretty easy to make and has just the right combo of sweet and slightly salty to satisfy multiple cravings at once. With only five ingredients (two of which are ice cubes and H2O), it doesn’t get much easier for someone like me who…when I want  a snack, I want it now with minimal horsin’ around.

 Sweet & Salty Almond Milk Recipe


  • 2 cups unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 cup ice cubes (ice adds some frothiness!)
  • 5 Medjool pitted dates (you could add more if you want extra sweetness)
  • 1 cup water
  • 2 pinches of sea salt (another ingredient you can add more or less of – whatever you prefer)

The two key ingredients which I learned from NYS are the DATES and SEA SALT. I’ve had dates before in pre-made bars but…these dates…they were different…I think they taste like caramel candy, yum. I did a bit of research on dates and found some fun facts – they’re high in fiber (aids digestion), a good source of energy due to the natural sugars, high in potassium, a rich source of B6, fat free, and their magnesium content works as an anti-inflammatory. I also read something about ‘increased sexual stamina and improved heart health’ – I can’t say  those are backed by science – but hey, overall, why not eat some dates??


There they are, the ingredients! Showing some love to 'Whole Foods' and 'Trader Joes' and my freezer that makes great ice cubes!

There they are, the ingredients (minus the water)! Showing some love to ‘Whole Foods’ and ‘Trader Joes’ and to my freezer which makes great ice cubes!

Kitchen tools needed:

  • Blender
  • A glass – I drank mine out of a champagne glass because I’m fancy like that (oh and it was clean/within arms reach)


Now a shot with my handy Cuisinart blender - great blender!

Now a shot with my handy Cuisinart blender – Great blender BTW

I’m definitely keeping this drink in my snack tool kit because it’s super satisfying, dairy free, way refreshing, and if you have left overs just pop it in the fridge because it has great shelf life. Oh and let’s not forget… a couple of ingredients I’ll be adding next time – cinnamon and/or nutmeg… love me some nutmeg.

Happy Drinkin!’


there she is - the finished product looking delicious

There she is, the finished product looking delicious

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