
Running Tips to Strengthen Your Running Legs

It’s been a couple of weeks since I got back to running after having my baby. I’ve had to figure out when to run and how to run as a family, but mainly I’ve been working on strengthening my running legs! My running tips!


Diary of a Running Chick: May 15th, 2017

I always find that nothing works my legs quite like running. Even though I only took a month off from running and continued to walk and strengthen my legs, they are still not like they were prior to being pregnant. My legs are not as strong yet. That’s one big thing I didn’t realize I’d have to work through now that I’m running post-pregnancy. So the biggest of my running tips is to expect a challenge and embrace it. There was a lot of stress on my legs for nine months, and now all of that stress is being released and worked through. It takes time.

What has worked best for me so far to overcome the challenge is to truly listen to my body. Of all the running tips, take this one to heart! My mind really wants me to go balls to the wall. It wants me to get up every morning and run no matter what. It wants me to already be back to running my five mile loop. Yet my legs are not there yet. They need to be strengthened! So I’ve decided to listen to my body, and soon it will catch up to my mind!

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I’ve also been making sure I keep up with running hills. The area that I live in is very hilly. I can’t go out for a run without hitting some sort of incline. This is great! It’s definitely strengthening my running legs, but it’s also making me sore. It’s reminding me that it took time when I first started running outside to get as strong as I was, and that my legs were incredibly sore then too. I’ve also been targeting the large hills in my area. The more I run them, the easier they will get. A part of me has wanted to walk them, and there have been days when I have, but overall I’m making sure I run them!


Great At Home Treadmill – Get Your Workout On Today!


To continue to strengthen my legs, my man had a great suggestion. Run sprints. This is something I don’t do often. It’s silly that I don’t, because it’s a great way to work your legs. It’s also a great way to get your stamina and speed up. Another great running tip! Adding in sprints is now a part of my workout plan for this week!

While I love running distance, one thing that really helps to strengthen your legs is running short distances fast. Test yourself to see how quickly you can run a mile. Sprint one mile and then back off for your second mile. Then sprint your last mile. Your legs will definitely be sore the next day, but it will give you a good perspective as to where you are at physically. This will really strengthen your legs!

Even if you’ve been running for a long time, you’ll need to strengthen your legs in order to up your mileage or your pace. It’s the same as if you’re new to running, or trying to get consistent with your running. Running tips are for all skill levels! Keep them in mind and soon your legs will be so strong. It takes time though, and you’ll definitely have to run through the soreness! I keep reminding myself of that, because I can’t wait until I get back to where I was before and beyond!



Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. She’s an actress, writer, and producer. Get lost in her youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram



Photo Credits for Running Tips: Yours Truly

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