
Running Inspiration: Inspired Running Is Contagious

We can all use running inspiration. Recently I’ve needed a lot more and gotten it from unexpected places. People are cheering me along! It’s inspired running and it’s contagious!


Diary of a Running Chick: July 17th, 2017

In the past when I would run by myself, I’d occasionally get a nod from other people. I’d run at the same time each day, so I’d see similar faces and I’d give a nod and get a nod in return. But mostly I’d just be out there on my own. All of that changed a year ago. My running inspiration is flowing!

Once I was pregnant and started showing, I definitely got acknowledged more during my runs. I’d get thumbs up from other ladies. I’d get high fives from random strangers. It made me feel great while I ran. It also made me want to push myself harder. Running while pregnant was hard, but running with a baby is equally as hard if not harder. Good thing I get more running inspiration now!

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Running camaraderie is great. It’s even better when I get it from non-runners. My husband told me a story that when he was running with our baby, a man cheered him on. It made him feel so much better and helped him push himself and the stroller uphill.

I’ve had similar experiences while running with my baby. Each day more and more people give me a thumbs up as I pass them. The other day I had two different men give me a thumbs up. Neither of them were running, they were just walking on the sidewalk. After each experience I feel stronger, like I know I can push myself and my baby faster. For me, that’s really what I’m working on with my baby. Getting back to my old speed. Finding inspiration is key to reaching my goal and yours!


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Every time I get a nod, thumbs up, or high five from another person on the road it reminds me that I’m on the right path. I love running and I love running with my baby. It’s hard though. It’s hard to pull myself out of my warm bed in the early morning, especially when I’ve gotten up a few times in the night to care for my baby. But knowing that those special feelings of accomplishment are waiting for me makes it easier to get up and get outside.

Having others cheer me on during my run is contagious! It’s motivation that I didn’t even realize I needed, but completely fuels my runs! It’s a simple human experience that often times we don’t realize we need or want.

I’m reminded how simple human communication can go such a long way. I now make sure that I’m acknowledging those along my way even more than I did before. I make sure that I pass along the experience I’m having. If it means so much to me, it’s going to mean just as much to another fellow runner or walker.

Acknowledge someone else on their fitness journey. It will truly brighten up their day and yours. It has helped me keep going on many of my runs with my baby girl. It’s good to know that I’m not alone on my running journey. Other people are on their own journey and as I pass them, their running inspiration is contagious!


Sharing is the best form of running inspiration! Cheer on your fellow runners and walkers. Inspired running is contagious kids!


Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Staff Writer, and Featured Vlogger at BuzzChomp. She’s an actress, writer, and producer. Get lost in her youtube comedy channel PillowTalk TV. Follow her on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, or Instagram



Photo Credits for Running Inspiration: Yours Truly

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