Pregnancy Update Week 24 | Travel Tips While Pregnant| Mommy and Me

The Holidays are upon us which means there is a lot traveling happening at the end of this year. Having traveled a lot already, while pregnant, now with our Pregnancy update week 24 it’s all about our travel tips! Being prepared is essential to your comfort.


Traveling while Pregnant can be tough, but it you don’t have to let the changes in your body make for uncomfy travel. Having already traveled a bunch this time around as well as my first pregnancy allows me to implement my travel tips! It’s our pregnancy update week 24! Make sure you watch our full video on the Mommy and Me YouTube channel!

A lot of things can be harder to do while you’re pregnant, but travel does not have to be one of them. A big tip of mine is to not over pack especially when you’re flying. Let’s face it that when you’re pregnant you just want to dress comfortable. There is no use bringing a bunch of elaborate outfits because you’re not going to wear them. If you’re like me and you’re wearing a lot of leggings, you only need to bring your few favorite pairs and then you can re-wear and wash them!


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It can be super annoying if you’ve overstuffed your carry on bag and it’s super uncomfortable to lug around the airport. If you’re like me and you already have one child then you know you’re going to be carrying her stuff too so remember to make it easy on yourself.

With this pregnancy update that is a big theme I’m embracing throughout this pregnancy and that’s to make it easy on myself. I did the same thing my first time around and it made my pregnancy so much easier.

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Remember to hydrate with all your travel! If you’re flying like me, put an empty water bottle in your carry on. Once you get through security you can fill it up. It is a lifesaver as well as a money saver. I don’t ever travel without my water bottle.

Traveling around the holidays can be stressful enough, but tack on pregnancy and all the little things you have to worry about and it can be extremely daunting. Don’t let it though. Check out our full pregnancy update week 24 and all of our travel tips!

Meet Our Host

Mandi Mellen is Lead Editor, Writer, and Co-Owner of BuzzChomp. She’s an acclaimed Actor, Director and Producer. Visit M Square Productions for her film work, or get lost in her comedy on Pillow Talk TV. You can follow her on TikTok, X and Instagram.

Photo Credit to Yours Truly

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