
New Release: Google Tag Manager

Out today Google released the Google Tag Manager. Tired of calling your IT guy over and over again to add a few tags. That nightmare is over. Google has made it easy for anyone to change and add tags to a website.

Why use tags?  Tags are a great tool telling search engines the type of content contained within a post.  In a blog categories are basically like tags, however using site tags you can be very specific when marketing a campaign.  Google Tag Manager makes it easier to change tags and manage your marketing campaigns.  With this new manager you will be able to monitor your data similar to analytics so you can make changes for all future work.

Google Tag Manager let’s you know if a tag is firing correctly — Uh yes like a spark plug meaning if the tag fits within the browsers parameter’s it will work correctly.

A cool thing about GTM it will let you manage Google Adwords, Analytics, Floodlight and non Google tags.  Nice! For this alone I will start to use it.

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