
Keeping Fitness on Track!

A whole month of 2014 is already in the books and you’ve stayed on point with your fitness. Way to go! Thirty days makes something a habit and you’ve now got it ingrained in you.  The hard part’s over; you just need to keep yourself on track!  Here are a few tips to stay fit and do just that!

Tip number one: Partner up people! If you’re always flying to the gym solo, find a friend to go with you instead! If you go to yoga, spinning, or run outside instead, make sure you find a friend to join you.  It’s a completely different experience working out with someone else.  Shake off that loner mentality. It’s easy to just go on autopilot by yourself at the gym. Hot Damn! Say no to autopilot, switch it up and work out with a friend. You’ll be forced to stay on your toes! Your friend might be super speedy and push you to run faster and longer! Partnering up is a great way to stay fresh. Do this once or twice a week and you’ll definitely have a new found appreciation for your workouts.

Tip number two: Add in a double session day! Your stamina is there, so don’t worry about that. You’ve been hitting up the gym, classes, running, yoga, and maybe even spinning.  Do you usually hit the gym after work, then get up and run before breakfast. Maybe you get up and workout in the morning; how about trying a yoga class at night?  Your body will totally love it! You’ll feel invigorated and you’ll have an amazing night sleep too. Your body will jump out of bed the next morning, I promise! Personally I love to get up early and go for a run before my yoga class. It’s my favorite way to start my day! You get two workouts in and it’s wonderful. Trust me!

My third tip: If you only do cardio, add in some weights! Weights are a great way to tone your body and burn calories. Plus you’ll feel great! It’s a fallacy that women who lift weights will get beefy like men do. Most women who lift have super toned bodies! If you know nothing about how to lift, there’s an app for that. Many of them actually, with workouts and step by step how-to style training.  My personal favorite spot to find ideas: looking on popsugar.com.  They have some great recommendations on arm workouts such as ‘10 minutes to toned arms.’  All you need is three to ten pound weights. Check out the video here! Finding a few workouts like this online will show you the basics for toning your body through weights, a little secret of all those hot bodied ladies out there. You can start by doing it right at home or watching the videos, making notes, and bringing them with you to the gym. So long intimidation; the weights section at the gym is now your friend!

February may be a short month, but my tips for keeping your fitness on track will totally motivate you straight on through and into March! Hot Damn! By the time the end of winter rolls around you’ll be seeing some serious fitness gains. Keep at it! Stay strong. Drink lots of water and enjoy your workouts!

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