
How To Keep Your Family Active In Your Community This Winter

active in your community

Nothing feels better than a wonderful home, and that includes our local community. Keep your family active in your community this winter with our five easy and fun suggestions!


Being a part of one’s community is a great thing for anyone to do, but it feels extra important during the holidays and winter months. Community involvement can help keep neighborhoods and villages safe. Staying active and frequenting your town’s local establishments helps to keep small businesses open and those underprivileged with the resources they need. There’s everything to gain from keeping active in your community.

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Whether you live in a small town or a unique section of a large city, your local community is home. How you treat it is something we live with every day, so help out and get the family involved. From the obvious to more obscure, we have five easy ways you can get your whole family involved and active in your community for the good of everyone this winter.


Stay Active in Your Community


Support Small Businesses

We are starting with an easy and obvious option for everyone. The best way to be an active member of your community is to play your role in growing your local economy by patronizing small businesses. Whenever you need to buy items for use at home, search locally and tell your family to do the same. When you build a good relationship with your community’s local businesses, you will find that this is a great way to stay active and involved with the ones in your area. Currently, pop-up shops are experiencing a boom in the United States, with a market value of $50 billion. If you come across a local pop-up shop in your area, stop by and check out their products. You make even make a new friend in the process.

Donate Food for Holiday Meals

Spread the holiday spirit with your family by helping put a meal on the table for the less fortunate. This activity will help put a smile on many faces, including your own. Set aside some time and money for this to ensure you reach as many people as possible, and the warmth will spread throughout. Find out if you can partner up with other people or local businesses to make the event larger, because no amount of holiday giving is too much. This gesture could even start an amazing local tradition in your community.



Volunteer Your Time

One of the best things we can give is our time. There are different people in any given community who can benefit from a number of things. You don’t have to donate money and material goods to make an impact, as you can also volunteer your time. Spend it doing something like handing out items that have been donated by other parties, or sharing information with people who can benefit from it in your community. Things like personal protective equipment, which WHO has shipped almost half a million sets of to 47 countries around the world, need to be distributed amongst the local hospitals and health care centers. This is something that your family can help do to keep families safe and healthy this winter, so make the time for others and volunteer.

Make and/or Donate Winter Clothes

Not everyone can afford layered, comfortable clothing to keep them warm in winter. It would be great to make or donate winter clothes to your community. If you have not emptied your family’s wardrobes recently, then take the opportunity to do so this season. Share warm items of clothing with a drop-off center in your community. This simple activity will help spread the holiday warmth!

Be a Voice for Those Who Don’t Have One

There is bound to be a minority group in any community, and sometimes, it’s hard for them to have their needs met and their voices heard. Help them out by stepping up to speak out about injustices they face. Help them get the recognition they need. TRAC Immigration has found that only 1.5% of cases involving women and children who have established a credible fear of returning to their country of origin find success. Help speak out for such groups to ensure that they’re not ignored this winter season and beyond.


The holidays are a period of giving and helping each other. That means it’s extra important to take part in activities that help you achieve this. Inform your family of the many ways in which they can give back to your community for the better. Then go out there and keep active in your community!

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