
How to Avoid Injuries During Your At-Home Workouts

Let’s get moving. But first comes learning how to avoid injuries. Getting hurt, especially at home, happens all too easily for the unprepared. Arm yourself and get fit with us!

(Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels)


As Americans, we care a lot about the way we look. You know its true, which is why health and fitness are so popular. While 80% of U.S. residents between the ages of 18 and 49 say they want whiter teeth, we aren’t merely concerned about our smiles. Most of us also want to become stronger, gain flexibility, or lose weight in order to fit into clothes in our closets from years ago. This means exercise.

Achieving these goals that require physical activity has changed dramatically over the last year. At-home workouts and classes have replaced gyms and health clubs, which may or may not be open. In addition, the outdoor temperatures will continue to be on the lower end for the next few months, meaning you need in-door options. We love home workouts of all kinds and have learned a thing or two about how to avoid injuries. Let’s get moving!

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Creating an at-home gym or small workout space indoors is a great option for many of us. It ensures you have adequate room to move. For every $1 spent on home maintenance, homeowners spend an average of $5 on home improvement projects. These projects have hit new heights during the pandemic, so if you’ve gone through all the trouble to create an at-home exercise area, you must make the most of it. You must workout safely and efficiently.

Because its challenging to exercise without in-person instruction from a coach, we are here to help fill in the gaps so you learn how to avoid injuries. A lack of adequate space for a full range of motion can also lead to workout injuries. Yet most all workout injuries are avoidable. While you could file a personal injury civil suit in a state like Texas, you’ll be out of luck if you’re injured at home. To avoid the need for medical attention and a lawyer, use our guide to workout perfection. Ensure an enjoyable workout for yourself by keeping these injury prevention tips in mind when exercising at home.


How To Avoid Workout Injuries

how to avoid injuries


Use Proper Technique

This might sound a little too obvious, but proper exercise techniques eliminate a lot of injuries. Following guides for basic exercises like lunges, crunches, and weight-lifting ensures you are working the right muscles. Taking time to stretch and warm up your body will also help a lot. Even if you think you know how to do a plank or a squat, can you actually explain the correct positioning of your arms or where you should feel the stretch? If you can’t, then following video tutorials from fitness professionals is highly recommended. Before you participate in a virtual workout class or try to create a routine on your own, watch an expert do the basics. Not only will this help you avoid injury, it will allow you to get a lot more out of your workout in general.

Watch Yourself in the Mirror

Looking at yourself in the mirror might not be your favorite thing to do, but avoiding the truth is worse. The reality is that doing this will help you avoid a number of common workout injuries simply by observing your posture and technique. By assessing whether your form is correct, you’ll even learn new things about how you move. It may take some getting used to seeing yourself as you exercise, but do it. This way you can accurately evaluate where you are in your fitness journey and learn how you can improve.

Start Off Slow

Whether you used to go the gym regularly or have made a resolution to get fit, it’s important to know your body’s limits. It’s a good idea to try out different fitness routines, because not all exercises work for everyone. Find routines that feel good to you and push you. Keeping things fresh can actually prevent injuries related to over-use. That being said, there’s no obligation. Don’t try a workout you think is beyond your abilities and if you do try a routine that doesn’t feel right, stop. Above all, don’t give in to being overly ambitious. Starting is what’s important, no matter the speed. It’s better to start off slow and gradually build up your stamina and technique. The alternative includes a high risk of injuring yourself.



De-clutter the Room

If you’re fortunate enough to have an exercise space, it’s critical that you eliminate clutter. For example, use wall storage or bins to keep certain equipment off the ground and out of the way. If your workout space is small, consider investing in equipment that can be folded up. And if you have to share space with other people or other tasks, like a combo gym and home office, then take time to de-clutter. Clear out items that could easily become hazards like loose wires and cables. Re-arrange heavy furniture and limit decorative elements to ensure you won’t trip and fall as you exercise.

Wear Proper Footwear

You’d never try to workout in socks or bad tennis shoes at the gym, so don’t do it at home. You’d be surprised by how many people try to participate in a home workout while wearing non-athletic shoes. Be sure to wear sneakers or go barefoot. That way you won’t slip. You should have a pair of sneakers specifically for your indoor workouts, as outdoor shoes will track in dirt and germs. High-quality sneakers are also preferred if you’re using any kind of gym equipment, including weights, at home to provide your feet with a bit of extra protection.


At-home workouts are amazing, so don’t miss out on the opportunity to remain active and healthy right now. But before you work up a sweat, take these precautions and learn how to avoid injuries. Now who’s ready to move?

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