
Beyonce is Fierce!

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Let’s face it, even if you’re not a football fan, the Super Bowl halftime show is usually the best time to go to the bathroom or get some more delish food. The show is boring! It’s normally lack luster, totally over-hyped and even the best artists end up putting on a horrible lip-synced performance. Madonna anyone? This year we got Beyonce, a wildcard in my book for the 2013 Super Bowl halftime show. Would she rock the Super-dome or fall flat like those before her? Over the past few weeks Beyonce has received a lot of criticism and speculation over just how good her performance would be. Well let me be one of the first to say hot damn Beyonce, you brought it! You unleashed Sasha Fierce on everyone! Beyonce raised the bar for all Super Bowl halftime shows from here on out.

Beyonce’s voice sounded amazing! Thank you for reminding everyone just how amazing of a singer you are. You pumped us up with Crazy in Love and reminded us throughout your performance that you are a great singer. You even threw in Halo, stressing again that “Hey, I can sing and I can sing ballads just like a DIVA should.” That’s right! Beyonce is currently the supreme DIVA.

Hot damn woman, you can dance! Time and time again singers sacrifice their voice for their dancing. Not Beyonce. She worked her fancy footwork all over the stage, especially during Single Ladies, reminding us that she’s a great dancer. And wait for it, she a choreographer too! You’re badass lady! Beyonce made sure we know there’s no flaws in her game.

The Destiny’s Child reunion was so Beyonce! These ladies sounded and looked amazing together. Bootylicious, Survivor and Single Ladies. Woo! Beyonce stayed true to herself and by no means was this show about a Destiny’s Child reunion. It was all about Beyonce. But she showed us that her and her ladies can still rock the house. All three sang and danced to the hit Single Ladies, but Beyonce closed out that number like the true DIVA she is. A DIVA in all sense of the amazing word!

This year’s Super Bowl halftime show was by far the best one I can remember!! Only one thing would have made it better. Jay-Z coming on stage with Beyonce to open the show doing their duet Crazy in Love. A girl can dream! Regardless, Beyonce stepped it up and rocked the house. Just look at the expression that was on her face. She brought it, she knew it, and there was no doubt in her mind that she was putting on an amazing show for the whole world to see!

Beyonce you’re fierce! You rocked it girl!

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